He pulled, but the creature, whatever it was, tore itself out of his grasp, ran across the room, opened the door and rushed out. Stretching out his hand, he laid hold of something that had the shape of a man’s arm but was smooth, wet and icy cold.

He sprang across the room and jumped back into bed, only to discover to his horror that someone else was lying there. Sudenly, as he stood by the window, he distinctly heard something moving behind him and, a moment afterwards, as he turned to look, he heard a faint groan. With difficulty he got up and groped his was towards the window which, to his surprise, he found wide open, for he was certain that he had fastened it securely before he went to bed. However, having forgotten the motion of the ship, he was instantly thrown violently across the room. B INGGRIS set-1 Not being able to sleep,Iwan sat up in bed peering into the darkness.